
Configure Azure DevOps Server on premises as IIS Web App under the default WebSite rather than on a new Web Site?

I am evaluating the DevOps Express that should be installed on a web server of the company intranet where other web applications are already installed. The web applications respond to URL:

It would be great if DevOps was installed and configured on IIS responding to the URL:

rather than:

This is because:

Maybe I did it wrong but I also tried unsuccessfully to:

it throws an exception to be interpreted: "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version= ... HRESULT: 0x80131040".

I'm thinking of trying using (not knowing the outcome yet) the URL rewrite of clients request as:

Any help is appreciated, thanks anyway


  • I found a solution that seems to be working as expected.

    Briefly, after the default installation of DevOps Express, from IIS I:

    The error I reported in my previous attempt (as stated in my help request) "Could not load file or assembly.... HRESULT: 0x80131040", was due to a dirty installation in the default application associated with the default web site, I have now deleted.

    Now, step by step:

    1. Here the IIS state from defaut DevOps installation
    2. After deleting the Web Site installed with default setup: I delete "Azure DevOps Server", note "DevOps" app must use his Application Pool and so also "queue"
    3. At least enable Basic Authentication: Setting basic authentication

    Finally, there was no need to use a new port (8080) and the application will be reachable from:

    as in the style of other applications hosted on the Web Server managed with IIS.

    Hope this will help someone, of course considerations and suggestions are wellcome