
How do I deduce one template parameter from another?

I have my functor class that can encapsulate function/member function and arbitrary count of function parameters.

#include <tuple>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

template <class PARENT>
class FunctorHandlerBase
    typedef typename PARENT::TRET RTYPE;
    typedef typename PARENT::TUP ARGS;

    virtual RTYPE operator()(ARGS) { return RTYPE(0); };

template <class PARENT, typename MFUN>
class FunctorHandler : public FunctorHandlerBase<PARENT> {
    typedef typename PARENT::TRET RTYPE;
    typedef typename PARENT::TUP ARGS;
    FunctorHandler(MFUN pfun)
        : pFun(pfun)

    virtual ~FunctorHandler() {};

    virtual RTYPE operator()(ARGS args) {
        return callPrivate(args, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<decltype(args)>>{});

    template<class Tuple, std::size_t... Is>
    RTYPE callPrivate(Tuple&& tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
        return (*pFun)(std::get<Is>(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple))...);

    MFUN pFun;

template <class PARENT, class POBJ, typename MFUN>
class MFunctorHandler : public FunctorHandlerBase<PARENT> {
    typedef typename PARENT::TRET RTYPE;
    typedef typename PARENT::TUP ARGS;
    MFunctorHandler(const POBJ &pobj, MFUN pfun)
        : pObj(pobj), pFun(pfun)

    virtual ~MFunctorHandler() {};

    virtual RTYPE operator()(ARGS args) {
        return callPrivate(args, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<decltype(args)>>{});

    template<class Tuple, std::size_t... Is>
    RTYPE callPrivate(Tuple&& tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
        return ((*pObj).*pFun)(std::get<Is>(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple))...);

    POBJ pObj;
    MFUN pFun;


template <typename RTYPE = void>
class FunctorBase
    virtual RTYPE operator()() {
        return RTYPE(0);

template <typename RTYPE = void, class... Args>
class Functor : public FunctorBase<RTYPE>
    typedef RTYPE TRET;
    typedef typename std::tuple<Args ...> TUP;

    template<typename MFUN>
    Functor(MFUN pfun, Args&&... args)
        : mArgs(args...)
        pImpl = QSharedPointer<FunctorHandlerBase<Functor>>(new FunctorHandler<Functor, MFUN>(pfun));

    template<class POBJ, typename MFUN>
    Functor(const POBJ &pobj, MFUN pfun, Args&&... args)
        : mArgs(args...)
        pImpl = QSharedPointer<FunctorHandlerBase<Functor>>(new MFunctorHandler<Functor, POBJ, MFUN>(pobj, pfun));

    RTYPE operator()()
        return (*pImpl)(mArgs);

    std::tuple<Args ...> mArgs;
    QSharedPointer<FunctorHandlerBase<Functor>> pImpl;

template<typename RTYPE, class POBJ, typename MFUN, class... Args>
FunctorBase<RTYPE> *Create(const POBJ &pobj, MFUN pfun, Args&& ...args) {
    return new Functor<RTYPE, Args...>(pobj, pfun, std::forward<Args...>(args)...);

class B

    bool voidF() {
        return true;
    bool printInt(int x) {
        std::cout << "print int:" << x;
        return true;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    B *b = new B;
    auto *fb = Create<bool>(b, &B::printInt, 100);

    std::cout << "function result" << (*fb)();
  1. Can I deduce function return type from pointer to function in FunctorBase::Create() function? To change "auto *fb = Create<bool>(b, &B::printInt, 100)" to "auto *fb = Create(b, &B::printInt, 100)".

  2. Can I create Functor base class without any template parameters? I want to pack some functions with different return types in vector and get function return type by std::is_same_v. Now I can pack only functions with a same return type.


  • The example in the question is far from minimal, and is uncompilable anyway, but it seems that you're looking for std::invoke_result:

    template<class Pobj, typename Mfun, class... Args>  // NOTE 1
    auto *Create(const Pobj &pobj, Mfun pfun, Args&& ...args) {
        return new Functor<std::invoke_result_t<Mfun, Pobj, Args...>, Args...>(pobj, pfun, std::forward<Args...>(args)...);
    int main()
        B *b = new B;
        FunctorBase<bool> *fb = Create(b, &B::printInt, 100);
        std::cout << "function result: " << (*fb)() << '\n';
        delete fb;  // NOTE 2
        delete b;

    1. I renamed the template arguments to look less like preprocessor macros.
    2. Please do provide a virtual destructor in the base class - without that, you have a serious memory bug!