
Resize the image in Power point using Python

I am copying a Excel chart and pasting it into a PowerPoint slide.
After pasting the chart I want resize the chart which is pasted in image format.
Kindly help

import win32com.client 

# Grab the Active Instance of Excel.
ExcelApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
ExcelApp.Visible = True

# Grab the workbook with the charts.
xlWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(r'C:\Users\ana\Python\Chart\NDC_wan_Oct24.xlsx')

# Create a new instance of PowerPoint and make sure it's visible.
PPTApp = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("PowerPoint.Application")
PPTApp.Visible = True

# Add a presentation to the PowerPoint Application, returns a Presentation Object.
PPTPresentation = PPTApp.Presentations.Add()

# Loop through each Worksheet.
for xlWorksheet in xlWorkbook.Worksheets:

    # Grab the ChartObjects Collection for each sheet.
    xlCharts = xlWorksheet.ChartObjects()

    # Loop through each Chart in the ChartObjects Collection.
    for index, xlChart in enumerate(xlCharts):
        # Each chart needs to be on it's own slide, so at this point create a new slide.
        PPTSlide = PPTPresentation.Slides.Add(Index=index + 1, Layout=12)  # 12 is a blank layout
        # Display something to the user.
        print('Exporting Chart {} from Worksheet {}'.format(xlChart.Name, xlWorksheet.Name))

        # Copy the chart.

        # Paste the Object to the Slide

    # Save the presentation.

I tried the commands below but these didn't work.

PPTSlide.Shapes(1).width = 20
PPTSlide.Shapes.items(1).width = 20
PPTSlide.Shapes.width = 20


  • The following should allow you to manipulate the chart image that is pasted into PP;
    Note the additional import for Win32 constants

    import win32com.client 
    from win32com.client import constants
    # Grab the Active Instance of Excel.
    ExcelApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
    ExcelApp.Visible = True
    # Grab the workbook with the charts.
    xlWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(r'C:\Users\ana\Chart\Test_Oct24.xlsx')
    # Create a new instance of PowerPoint and make sure it's visible.
    PPTApp = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("PowerPoint.Application")
    PPTApp.Visible = True
    # Add a presentation to the PowerPoint Application, returns a Presentation Object.
    PPTPresentation = PPTApp.Presentations.Add()
    # Loop through each Worksheet.
    for xlWorksheet in xlWorkbook.Worksheets:
        # Grab the ChartObjects Collection for each sheet.
        xlCharts = xlWorksheet.ChartObjects()
        # Loop through each Chart in the ChartObjects Collection.
        for index, xlChart in enumerate(xlCharts):
            # Each chart needs to be on it's own slide, so at this point create a new slide.
            PPTSlide = PPTPresentation.Slides.Add(Index=index + 1, Layout=12)  # 12 is a blank layout
            # Display something to the user.
            print('Exporting Chart {} from Worksheet {}'.format(xlChart.Name, xlWorksheet.Name))
            # Copy the chart.
            # Paste the Object to the Slide
            # PPTSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(DataType=1)
            ### Paste chart and resize either as a scaled from original or specific values
            img = PPTSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(constants.ppPasteShape)
            ### Scaled, e.g. make image 1.5 times the original
            # img.ScaleWidth(1.5, 0)
            # img.ScaleHeight(1.5, 0)
            ### Set Specific Size
            img.Width = 150
            img.Height = 150
            ### Also set position of the image in the slide
            img.Left = 100
            img.Top = 100
        # Save the presentation.

    Image example
    Example copy Image with no resize and after setting the Width and Height