
Manipulations with user's selected text in editMode

I have this HTML code (it is located in contenteditable="true" block):

    <li>Mozilla Firefox 1.5+</li>
    <li>Internet <span>Explorer</span> 6+</li>
    <li>Opera 9.6+</li>
    <li>Google Chrome 2+</li>
    <li>Apple Safari 3+</li>

User has selected some text in this list:

The main difference between words «Chrome» and «Explorer» is that word «Explorer» is wrapped with span tag, but «Chrome» is not.

So, how do I know if selected text wrapped with some HTML tags or not?

  1. With some regexp? — I don't know how to get selected text with HTML tags (I know only how to get plain text from selection).
  2. With detecting range's commonAncestorContainer.parentNode? — If I have selected word «Chrome», my parentNode will be li tag (but li tag doesn't wrap my selected word directly, I don't want set styles for li tag). So, I cannot use commonAncestorContainer.parentNode 'cos it is useless for me.

Actually, I just want to set some CSS styles for the selected text:

  1. if user's selected text has already directly wrapped with some HTML tag, I want to add CSS rules for this tag (eq. if user has selected word «Explorer» I want to add style="font-weight:bold;" for the span tag; if user has selected Apple Safari 3+ I want to add CSS rules for li tag)
  2. if user's selected text is just plain text (not directly wrapped with some tags, like word «Chrome»), I want to wrap this text with some tags and add some CSS rules. (With this item I have no problems, I know how to do this.)

UPD: Look, when I select some text and then run document.execCommand('Bold', false, null), browser wraps my selection with b tags. When I select exactly the same text again and run the same document.execCommand('Bold', false, null) command, boldness disappear. So, browser somehow knows that my selection is wrapped with b tags and remove them (unwrap). So, how does browser know, is selection wrapped with tags or not? If browser knows, why it is so hard to make it with JS?


  • This is a slightly complex area:

    Here are two suggestions: