
ADO - REST - Cannot find a way to get pipeline creator id

I need to know the person who created a pipeline in ADO***?api-version=7.1

I get everything but a "createdby" field

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "****/****/_apis/pipelines/****?revision=**"
        "web": {
            "href": "****/****/_build/definition?definitionId=****"
    "configuration": {
        "path": "azure-pipelines.yml",
        "repository": {
            "id": "*******************",
            "type": "***************"
        "type": "yaml"
    "url": "****/****/_apis/pipelines/****?revision=**",
    "id": ***,
    "revision": **,
    "name": "****",
    "folder": "\\****"

how can I achieve this ?

thanks for your help


  • Based on your description, you need to get the user who creates the Pipeline.

    To meet your requirement, you can use the Rest API: Definitions - Get Definition Revisions


    In the Response, you can check the response with revision value 1, where the changed user(changedBy) corresponds to the user who creates the pipeline.

    For example:

     "value": [
          "revision": 1,
          "name": "txx",
          "changedDate": "2024-10-15T14:41:59.987Z",
          "changeType": "add",
          "definitionUrl": "xx",
          "changedBy": {
            "displayName": "xxx",
            "url": "xx",
            "id": "dd61a310-16c1-6ca5-a217-f243df542c22",
            "uniqueName": "xx",
            "imageUrl": "xx",
            "descriptor": "msa.ZGQ2MWEzMTAtMTZjMS03Y2E1LWEyMTctZjI0M2RmNTQyYzIy"

    PowerShell sample:

    $token = "PAT"
    $BuildDefinitionID = PipelineID
    $OrgName= "OrganizationName"
    $ProjName= "ProjectName"
    $token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($token)"))
    $GetBuildRevisions= Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GetBuilddefinitionurl -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $token"} -Method Get  -ContentType application/json
    foreach($revision in $GetBuildRevisions.value)
       if($revision.revision -eq "1")
          $PipelineCreatorID = $
          $PipelineCreatorName= $revision.changedBy.uniqueName
          echo "Creator ID: $PipelineCreatorID ; Creator Name: $PipelineCreatorName"