How can I make button text break into multiple lines in Wix Studio Editor, while ensuring proper display on mobile breakpoints?
I’ve been struggling for some time trying to make the text inside a button break into multiple lines in the Wix Studio Editor. By default, button text tends to stay on a single line, which isn’t ideal when you have longer text or need specific formatting.
The Main Challenge:
One of the biggest hurdles was dealing with mobile breakpoints. On smaller screens, the button text would hardly fit within the available space, leading to layout issues and a poor user experience.
The Solution:
I added a custom class to the button component and applied the following CSS:
.multiline_button > span > span:first-of-type {
overflow: visible;
text-align: left;
white-space: normal;
Addressing Mobile Breakpoints:
To tackle the issue of text not fitting on smaller screens, I defined specific breakpoint rules in my CSS. This allows for adjustments to be made at different screen sizes, ensuring the button text adapts gracefully.
@media (max-width: 600px) {
.multiline_button > span > span:first-of-type {
Steps to Implement:
After applying this CSS and setting up breakpoint rules, the text within the button now breaks into multiple lines and adapts to different screen sizes, you can see it without publish
Final Thoughts:
I hope this helps anyone who’s been facing the same challenge. Dealing with responsive design can be tricky, but with the right CSS tweaks, you can achieve the desired effect. If you have questions or further suggestions, please feel free to share them!