from manim import *
class CreateExample(Scene):
def construct(self):
tr_1 = Polygon([-3, -2, 0], [-3, 3, 0], [2, -2, 0])
cc_1 = Circle().shift(2.5*LEFT+1.75*UP).scale(0.4)
cc_2 = Circle().shift(2.5*LEFT+0.65*UP).scale(0.4)
cc_3 = Circle().shift(1.5*LEFT+0.65*UP).scale(0.4)
cc_4 = Circle().shift(2.5*LEFT+0.6*DOWN).scale(0.4)
cc_5 = Circle().shift(1.5*LEFT+0.6*DOWN).scale(0.4)
cc_6 = Circle().shift(0.2*LEFT+0.6*DOWN).scale(0.4)
cc_7 = Circle().shift(2.5*LEFT+1.6*DOWN).scale(0.4)
cc_8 = Circle().shift(1.5*LEFT+1.6*DOWN).scale(0.4)
cc_9 = Circle().shift(0.2*LEFT+1.6*DOWN).scale(0.4)
cc_10= Circle().shift(0.8*RIGHT+1.6*DOWN).scale(0.4)
mt_1 = [[0, -1], [-1, 0]]
gr_1 = VGroup(tr_1,cc_1,cc_2,cc_3,cc_4,cc_5,cc_6,cc_7,cc_8,cc_9,cc_10),Create(cc_2),Create(cc_3),Create(cc_4),Create(cc_5),Create(cc_6),Create(cc_7),Create(cc_8),Create(cc_9),Create(cc_10)), run_time=2)
Is there a way to keep an original copy of the triangle before the transformation?
has a copy
So in your example, you could just use
tr_2 = tr_1.copy() #tr_2 is now a copy of tr_1
If you want a more detailed example on its usage, you can look at this example in the official documentation which uses it to keep a reference circle.