I am using a Java (21) Swing JEditorPane or JTextPane to display a HTML String. This works, but displays HTML comments p.e. <!-- Hidden Text -->
JEditorPane htmlpane = new JEditorPane();
htmlpane.setText("<html><table><tr><td>Cell 1</td>"
+ "<td>Cell 2</td></tr><tr><td>Cell 3</td>"
+ "<td>Cell 2 A<!-- Hidden Text --> Cell 2 B</td>"
+ "</tr></table></html>");
(Same result for JTextPane)
I want to display HTML with the comments hidden. (In general: display HTML as close to correct as possible in a Swing GUI.)
The behavior you encountered appears to be intentional, for when the JEditorPane
is editable.
See the following jdk bug entry regarding this topic: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-6422138
There in the comments it is stated:
JEditorPane is supposed to show everything when editable, so the fact that it shows comments is not a bug.
And also:
Turn off the editable property to have HTML page rendered normally (like in a browser).
Your options now are:
, since that should also turn off the rendering of HTML comments