
Some Remote Maven Repository Dependencies Not Found

I am trying to convert a large java web app to a maven project in Eclipse. Most of the jar files we use are on the central Maven repo, but 6 are not. I researched about how to create a shared remote (personal) Maven repo. I created one on a shared server with other developers on my team (example shared network location SHAREDSERVER). I set up my pom.xml to recognize that repo and central Maven repo:


Then, on the server, I run the Maven command:

mvn install:install-file

No errors are displayed, so I check that all files are at the location C:\custom\repo\com\my\group -- they are all there.

Then on my local machine, where I'm developing the project, I add this dependency to the pom.xml:


No errors are shown in my Eclipse IDE or elsewhere. (And all dependencies from the central Maven repo are obtained successfully.)

Then I repeat the process to add artifact art-two-name to the same group There are no errors in the process. However, when I include the dependency for art-two-name in my project's pom.xml, it says:

Missing artifact
Could not find artifact in custom-repo (file://SHAREDSERVER/custom/repo)

I tried deleting the repo and made a new one; but the same issues came up. I tried running the project from Eclipse to see if the error message shown in the pom.xml were meaningless/superficial, but it doesn't deploy, giving me the error:

Error reading file C:\Users\myUsername\.m2\repository\com\my\group\art-two-name\1.0\art-two-name-1.0.jar
C:\Users\myUsername\.m2\repository\com\my\group\art-two-name\1.0\art-two-name-1.0.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)

So clearly, it's not getting the jar file from custom-repo.

Any ideas why it can find only one of the dependencies/jars, when I can see them all in custom-repo?

(Note: this is just an example; I had actually added all the jar files to custom-repo first, then I tried adding them as dependencies in pom.xml and realized that Eclipse could only find one of the dependencies.)


  • I don't know why all the errors I had were so unhelpful and all the documentation I found didn't say this, but the issue was this:

    My custom repository block in pom.xml needed this change:


    should have been


    Note the direction of \ vs. /! This is the direction of the slashes as used in Windows file explorer! (This is for a repository that is on a shared network location.)