We have a form on our website that asks customers to enter their website address.
I currently have the code below which checks that their URL is alive.
The code works most of the time. However I recently saw it failed a URL giving the exception Permanently Moved (302) even though entering the URL in a browser address bar worked.
The URL entered on the form was tentworld.com.au
Is there a way to return that such sites URL's are OK?
Private Function fCheckUrlIsOK(strURL As String) As Boolean
strURL = strURL.Trim.ToLower
'Prefix http if not there already
If Left(strURL, 7) = "http://" Or
Left(strURL, 8) = "https://" Then
strURL = "http://" + strURL
End If
Dim request1 As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.CreateHttp(strURL)
With request1
.Timeout = 10000 '10 seconds
End With
Dim response1 As WebResponse = request1.GetResponse()
Catch ex As Exception
'Uncomment to see exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
I did the following and it worked:
Private Function fCheckURLIsOK(strURL As String) As Boolean
Dim strURLCleaned As String = strURL.ToLower.Trim
Dim strURLNew As String = ""
'Remove prefixes
strURLCleaned = strURLCleaned.Replace("https://www.", "")
strURLCleaned = strURLCleaned.Replace("https://", "")
strURLCleaned = strURLCleaned.Replace("http://www.", "")
strURLCleaned = strURLCleaned.Replace("http://", "")
'Try 1
strURLNew = "https://www." + strURLCleaned
If fCheckUrlIsOKIndividual(strURLNew) = True Then
Return True
End If
'Try 2
strURLNew = "https://" + strURLCleaned
If fCheckUrlIsOKIndividual(strURLNew) = True Then
Return True
End If
'Try 3
strURLNew = "http://www." + strURLCleaned
If fCheckUrlIsOKIndividual(strURLNew) = True Then
Return True
End If
'Try 4
strURLNew = "http://" + strURLCleaned
If fCheckUrlIsOKIndividual(strURLNew) = True Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function fCheckUrlIsOKIndividual(strURL As String) As Boolean
Dim request1 As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.CreateHttp(strURL)
With request1
.Timeout = 10000 '10 seconds
End With
Dim response1 As WebResponse = request1.GetResponse()
Catch ex As Exception
'Uncomment to see exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
Note that I also added some headers to help normalize the request. Without those the particular server didn't allow the request.