
Rust mismatch between input and output types of trait object

So my issue is that I have a layer trait with input and output types as follows:

pub trait Layer {
    type Input: Dimension;
    type Output: Dimension;
    fn forward(&mut self, input: &ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, Self::Input>) -> ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, Self::Output>;

With this forward function:

impl<A: Activation> Layer for DenseLayer<A> {
    type Input = Ix2;
    type Output = Ix2;

    fn forward(&mut self, input: &Array2<f32>) -> Array2<f32> {
        assert_eq!(input.shape()[1], self.weights.shape()[0], "Input width must match weight height.");
        let z = + &self.biases;


I have these so that my forward or backwards functions can take in for example an array of 2 dimensions but still output one with only 1 dimension. Then I have an implementation for a sort of wrapper of this layer trait where I want to forward through all the layers:

pub struct NeuralNetwork<'a, L>
    L: Layer + 'a,
    layers: Vec<L>,
    loss_function: &'a dyn Cost,

impl<'a, L> NeuralNetwork<'a, L>
    L: Layer + 'a,
    pub fn new(layers: Vec<L>, loss_function: &'a dyn Cost) -> Self {
        NeuralNetwork { layers, loss_function }

    pub fn forward(&mut self, input: &ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, L::Input>) -> ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, L::Output> {
        let mut output = input.clone();

        // todo fix the layer forward changing input to output
        // causing mismatch in the input and output dimensions of forward
        for layer in &mut self.layers {
            output = layer.forward(&output);


Now because in the for loop I first input of type input, then receive output from layer.forward. In the next iteration it takes the type output, but the layer.forward only accepts type input. Atleast that is what I think is happening. This might seem like a really simple issue but I am genuinly unsure on how to fix this.

Edit 1:

Reproduceable Example:

use ndarray::{Array, Array2, ArrayBase, Dimension, OwnedRepr};

pub trait Layer {
    type Input: Dimension;
    type Output: Dimension;

    fn forward(&mut self, input: &ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, Self::Input>) -> ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, Self::Output>;

// A Dense Layer struct
pub struct DenseLayer {
    weights: Array2<f32>,
    biases: Array2<f32>,

impl DenseLayer {
    pub fn new(input_size: usize, output_size: usize) -> Self {
        let weights = Array::random((input_size, output_size), rand::distributions::Uniform::new(-0.5, 0.5));
        let biases = Array::zeros((1, output_size));
        DenseLayer { weights, biases }

impl Layer for DenseLayer {
    type Input = ndarray::Ix2;  // Two-dimensional input
    type Output = ndarray::Ix2; // Two-dimensional output

    fn forward(&mut self, input: &ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, Self::Input>) -> ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, Self::Output> {
        assert_eq!(input.shape()[1], self.weights.shape()[0], "Input width must match weight height.");
        let z = + &self.biases;
        z // Return the output directly without activation

// Neural Network struct
pub struct NeuralNetwork<'a, L>
    L: Layer + 'a,
    layers: Vec<L>,

impl<'a, L> NeuralNetwork<'a, L>
    L: Layer + 'a,
    pub fn new(layers: Vec<L>) -> Self {
        NeuralNetwork { layers }

    pub fn forward(&mut self, input: &ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, L::Input>) -> ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f32>, L::Output> {
        let mut output = input.clone();

        for layer in &mut self.layers {
            output = layer.forward(&output);


fn main() {
    // Create a neural network with one Dense Layer
    let mut dense_layer = DenseLayer::new(3, 2);
    let mut nn = NeuralNetwork::new(vec![dense_layer]);

    // Create an example input (1 batch, 3 features)
    let input = Array::from_shape_vec((1, 3), vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0]).unwrap();
    // Forward pass
    let output = nn.forward(&input);
    println!("Output: {:?}", output);


  • There's two things you need to get NeuralNetwork::forward to compile.

    These bounds will communicate these restrictions to the compiler (note the introduction of a new generic parameter T on the impl block):

    impl<'a, L, T> NeuralNetwork<'a, L>
        L: Layer<Input = T, Output = T> + 'a,
        T: Clone,

    Note that you should consider moving NeuralNetwork::new to an impl block with minimal restrictions, as there's no reason it needs these restrictions applied to it.

    There are a few other compile-time errors but I assume these are unrelated to the problem you're trying to solve. In particular, it's not clear to me why you have a 'a lifetime on NeuralNetwork; you can remove it completely and the code still compiles.