I created Layout1 dynamically.
object Layout1: TLayout
Align = Client
object Rect1: TRectangle
Align = Client
object Button1: TButton
Text = 'Test'
Why is it when I use Layout1.FindComponent('Button1'), it returns nil? (caps exactly)
I had thought that FindComponent is recursive?
Then I tried
if Layout1.FindComponent('Rect1') <> nil then; // this find Rect1
but only when I set
Rect := Layout1.FindComponent('Rect1')
and then use
if Rect.FindComponent('Button1') <> nil then // only then it works
any advice? confused by this FindComponent
stuff. What is supposed to be recursive isn't recursive.
Or is it only .FindComponent that is recursive, and other components FindComponent is not recursive?
I had thought that
is recursive?
No, it is not. It searches only for components that are directly owned by the component which you call FindComponent()
Components that are created at design-time are owned by the top-level Form/Frame/DataModule, so you can call FindComponent()
on that object to find design-time components.
But, if you create components manually in code with different owners, then you will have to write the recursive logic yourself to search for nested components.