When pressing the button whose time has expired, the message "time has expired, repeat the command was written". How to implement it on discord.py?
I tried to read the documentation, nothing helped me, I know that some bots have such functionality
I tried it like this
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
class MyView(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, timeout=10):
self.timeout_reached = False
async def on_timeout(self):
self.timeout_reached = True
async def on_error(self, error, item, interaction: discord.Interaction):
if self.is_finished():
await interaction.followup.send('Times up!', ephemeral=True)
await interaction.followup.send('An error occurred!', ephemeral=True)
@discord.ui.button(label='Random Button', style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
async def random_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
if self.is_finished():
await interaction.response.send_message('Times up!', ephemeral=True)
await interaction.response.send_message('The button has been pressed!', ephemeral=True)
class ExampleCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def random_button(self, ctx):
view = MyView()
await ctx.send('Press the button!', view=view)
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(ExampleCog(bot))
Sadly the on_timeout
method doesn't get any arguments. You can store your latest interaction in a instance variable, and then use it to send a message.
class MyView(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, timeout: int = 10) -> None:
self.latest_interaction = None
async def on_timeout(self) -> None:
if self.latest_interaction is not None:
await self.latest_interaction.followup.send("Retry")
async def interaction_check(self, interaction: Interaction) -> bool:
result = await super().interaction_check(interaction)
# store the interaction in our instance variables
self.latest_interaction = interaction
if not result:
await interaction.response.defer()
return result
async def on_error(self, error, item, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> None:
await interaction.followup.send('An error occurred!', ephemeral=True)
@discord.ui.button(label='Random Button', style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
async def random_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button) -> None: