I would like to fully restore the state of the grid before the user navigated away. That includes the selected(highlighted) row the user clicked on.
I am programatically storing the state of ag grid when a user navigates away from the grid during the row on click event:
override onGridRowClicked(event: RowClickedEvent<any, any>): void {
const id = event.data._id;
this.service.gridState = event.api.getState();
this.router.navigate([id], { relativeTo: this.route });
a quick console log does reveal that the selected row's id is selected
"version": "32.1.0",
"rowSelection": [
and when the grids initial state is set when the user returns to the grid in the constructor:
) {
super(route, router);
this.gridOptions.initialState = this.service.gridState;
the sortmodel is restored, but not the selected row.
Ag-Grid has a great example on their website for storing and restoring state.
The example has the sort and selection restored.
Use onGridPreDestroyed
to store the state in a service.
public gridOptions: GridOptions = {
onGridPreDestroyed: (params: GridPreDestroyedEvent<IOlympicData>) => {
console.log('Grid state on destroy (can be persisted)', params.state);
Then use the initialState
property binding to restore the state.