I'm using a tool to convert game data to XML but one of said tool's quirks is that it outputs parent code objects alphanumerically instead of numerically, sample output with comments below:
<container format="RTPC" endian="Little">
<object name="root">
<object name="0"><!-- disables input -->
<value name="_class" type="string">CInputActionOverride</value>
<value name="_class_hash" type="int">-1833934533</value>
<value name="_object_id" type="objectid">26D7913A,0</value>
<value name="action_list" type="string">Accelerate</value><!-- action name -->
<value name="activate_event" type="vec_events">death_run_play_cutscene,0x0</value>
<object name="1">
<value name="_class" type="string">CGameObjectList</value>
<value name="_class_hash" type="int">-1531974803</value>
<value name="_object_id" type="objectid">C51129BC,0</value><!-- spawn list ref -->
<value name="name" type="string">SpawnedVehicleList</value>
<value name="tags" type="vec_int"/>
<object name="10">
<value name="_class" type="string">CNavMeshDynamicObstacle</value>
<value name="_class_hash" type="int">838607288</value>
<value name="_object_id" type="objectid">F96135EC,0</value>
<value name="disable_event" type="vec_events"/>
<value name="enable_event" type="vec_events"/>
<value name="enabled_from_start" type="int">1</value>
<object name="100">
<value name="_class" type="string">SAnimationLayerInfo</value>
<value name="_class_hash" type="int">-786417417</value>
<value name="_object_id" type="objectid">B2B5BF10,0</value>
<value name="file" type="string">animations/characters/light_facelayer.al</value><!-- anim path -->
<value name="layer_index" type="int">1</value>
<value name="layer_name" type="string">Face</value>
<value name="name" type="string">AnimationLayerInfoFace</value>
<object name="102">
<value name="_class" type="string">CSpawnReferencePosition</value>
<value name="_class_hash" type="int">-1429677905</value>
<value name="_object_id" type="objectid">1958DDF6,0</value>
<value name="keep_orientation" type="int">1</value>
<value name="name" type="string">CSpawnReferencePosition</value>
<value name="no_create_on_load" type="int">1</value>
<value name="tags" type="vec_int"/>
To address this sorting issue, I'm using this slightly modified XSL template that I found:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="object">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*">
<xsl:sort select="@name" data-type="number" order="ascending"/>
This template does the job but another issue I'm facing is that the transformation eats all comments [I'm lead to believe this is default behaviour] and my XSL knowledge is next to non-existent, meaning I'm having difficulty figuring out the code necessary to both sort code objects and keep all comments.
All the comments I see in your example input are children of the " numbered" object
elements the need to be sorted.
Assuming there are no comments that are children of the object
whose name
is root
, you could solve your problem by slightly modifying your template so that instead of:
<xsl:template match="object">
it reads:
<xsl:template match="object[@name='root']">
Then only the children of the "root" object
will be sorted, and everything else will be copied as is by the identity transform template.