
Reading child XML node from column

I have been tasked with data out of an inventory system that relies on a SQL Server database. One of the columns uses XML to store the Manufacturer and Model information, amongst other things. I have been able to get some of the data extracted, but since XML has one part repeated ("Field") and then more narrowing that occurs after that, I have been unsuccessful.

The XML in the MARCData column looks like this:

            <![CDATA[Instructional Classification]]>
            <![CDATA[Bin Location]]>
            <![CDATA[Replacement Price]]>
            <![CDATA[ThinkPad P17 Gen 2]]>
            <![CDATA[Model Test']]>

The code I have made so far:

    (CAST(MARCData AS xml)).value('(/asset/field)[6]', 'varchar(255)')

I am getting the "sixth" entry of "field" but would like to keep limiting the result down to just get the Model information by itself.

What's listed above returns:

ModelText203ThinkPad P17 Gen 2

But I need it to only return:

ThinkPad P17 Gen 2

I have tried to add more limiting items after the [6], but just get syntax errors in T-SQL:

(CAST(MARCData AS xml)).value('(/asset/field)[6](/name/data)', 'varchar(255)')

I know how to "drill down" into the XML, and I know how to get the sixth item with a certain tag Field[6], but how do you continue "drilling down" after getting the sixth item? (Sorry if phrasing is wrong)


  • It seems you just need to add the rest of the path, /data[1] e.g.

        (CAST(MARCData AS xml)).value('(/asset/field)[6]/data[1]', 'varchar(255)')