
Any tool or command to export meta-data from iBM DB2 Webquery to file eg. XML?

Would like to export ALL META-DATA from existing iBM-i DB2 Webquery to file eg. .xml type of file for a client as they want to have their webquery reports meta-data migrated to other solutions. They are on iBM-i AS400 series

Any tool or commands I can use to do this?

Any help is GREATLY Appreciated!! I had been searching but unable to find any answer.

Any tool or command to export meta-data from iBM DB2 Webquery to file eg. XML?


  • According the the Web Query Backup guide

    • Synonyms
    Also referred to as metadata. All synonyms are stored under the Integrated File System (IFS) directory /QIBM/UserData/qwebqry/apps.
    • Reports
    Also known as fexs or focexecs, these are the reports, documents and dashboards created via Web Query. These items reside in database tables in library QWQREPOS.

    You can take a peek in those locations and see if it's a format you can read.

    Also note that IBM i Web Query is a rebranded Informational Builders product. Info you find for IBI may be applicable.