I want to produce 2 random 3x4 matrices where the entries are normally distributed, A and B. After that, I have a 2x2 matrix C = [[a,b][c,d]], and I would like to use it to produce 2 new 3x4 matrices A' and B', where A' = a A + b B, B' = c A + d B.
In order to produce the matrices A and B, I was thinking to use this line of code:
Z = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [2,3, 4])
But, given the matrix C, I don't know how to use simple Numpy vectorization to achieve the matrices A' and B' or, equivalently, a 2x3x4 array containing A' and B'. Any idea?
I think you can use np.einsum
np.einsum("ij, jkl -> ikl", C, Z)
where "ij, jkl -> ikl"
specifies the contraction pattern, where i
and j
are the indices of the C
matrix, and j
, k
, and l
are the indices of the Z
Given dummy data like below
Z = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [2, 3, 4])
C = [[1,2],[3,4]]
You will see
print("AB_prim(einsum): \n", np.einsum("ij, jkl -> ikl", C, Z))
[[[ 3.2861278 0.64350724 1.86646445 2.90824185]
[ 4.85571614 -1.38759441 1.57622382 -1.85954869]
[ -5.20919848 1.71783569 1.87291597 -0.03005653]]
[[ 8.33630794 1.68717169 4.71166688 8.05737691]
[ 11.57899026 -3.75246669 4.10253606 -3.87045458]
[-10.52161582 3.84626989 3.88987551 1.39416044]]]
A, B = Z[0], Z[1]
print("A_prim: \n", C[0][0] * A + C[0][1] * B)
print("B_prim: \n", C[1][0] * A + C[1][1] * B)
[[ 3.2861278 0.64350724 1.86646445 2.90824185]
[ 4.85571614 -1.38759441 1.57622382 -1.85954869]
[-5.20919848 1.71783569 1.87291597 -0.03005653]]
[[ 8.33630794 1.68717169 4.71166688 8.05737691]
[ 11.57899026 -3.75246669 4.10253606 -3.87045458]
[-10.52161582 3.84626989 3.88987551 1.39416044]]