Let's say I have an object with string values like this:
data = { input: '', description: '' }
where input is what user typed, that I grabbed in (change)
function and description is what I have programmatically added in the function afterwards.
I'm passing an array of data objects to formControl with this.form.patchValue({control: this.array})
but when I check against it with this.form.get('control').value
it returns an array with only first object (array[0]).
How do I get it to return entire array ?
Ensure that you must create the N (number) of the FormGroup
instance in your control
based on the number of objects in your array
before the patchValue()
this.form = new FormGroup({
control: new FormArray([]),
for (let data of this.array) {
(this.form.controls['control'] as FormArray).push(
new FormGroup({
input: new FormControl(),
description: new FormControl(),
this.form.patchValue({ control: this.array });
You can also assign the value to the FormControl
when initializing the FormGroup
for (let data of this.array) {
(this.form.controls['control'] as FormArray).push(
new FormGroup({
input: new FormControl(data.input),
description: new FormControl(data.description),