
DevExtreme: TextBox: Set Mask to a Model property

Is it possible to set the mask of a devextreme textbox field to a model's property? As in bind the mask property to a model's property value?

For example:


public MyClass{ 
public string PhoneNumber{get; set;}
public string PhoneMask{get; set; } = "+1 (999) 000-0000"; 

//                    .Mask("+1 (X00) 000-0000")
                    .InputAttr("aria-label", "Mask")


  • Yes, it is possible. It appears that you already do something similar. Make sure that you pass a correct Model (with the initialized / expected PhoneMask property value). Check out how the TextBox().Mask() builder method works at https://demos.devexpress.com/ASPNetCore/Demo/TextBox/Overview/