I'm trying to make an infinitely generating world, the same way Minecraft does it, by using chunks that disappear and reappear depending on where the player is. I'm using a plane that generates points from a combination of Perlin and Simplex noise.
Anyway, When I load the points into the world all the chunks are the same. It's because I'm using the same geometry for everyone. I've tried using object.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
and object.updateMatrix();
but it doesn't do anything. I've tried making each chunk a different geometry but the performance drops when it loads a new set of chunks.
Here's the full code:
function updateChunk() {
// Clear chunks
while(ground.children.length > 0){
let size = (game.chunk.render * 2) + 1
let sX = (Math.floor(plane.position.x / 1000) * 1000) - Math.floor((size / 2) * 1000)
let sY = (Math.floor(plane.position.z / 1000) * 1000) - Math.floor((size / 2) * 1000)
ground.position.set(sX, 0, sY)
for(let y = 0; y < size; y++) {
for(let x = 0; x < size; x++) {
let g = new THREE.Mesh(geometry.clone(), material);
let startX = ((sX / 1000) + x) * 100
let startY = ((sY / 1000) + y) * 100
let currentChunk = createChunk(startX, startY)
//Setup Terrain
for(let y2 = 0; y2 < 101;y2++) {
for(let x2 = 0; x2 < 101; x2++) {
g.geometry.vertices[(y2 * 101) + x2].z = currentChunk[x2 + ',' + y2]
g.rotation.x = Math.PI / -2
g.position.set(x * 1000, 0, y * 1000)
g.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
ground.add( g );
function createChunk(startX, startY) {
let chunk = []
for(let y = 0; y < 101; y++) {
for(let x = 0; x < 101; x++) {
chunk[x + ',' + y] = Math.abs(noise.perlin2((x + startX) / 100, (y + startY) / 100)) * 200;
return chunk
It was a simple answer I should have thought of a while ago. The solution was I pre-generated the 25 geometries (5x5 chunks) and set an ID to them. When the player moved between chunks, the geometry vertices would reset, and add it to a list of geometries that have been untaken. When it was time for the new chunk to be loaded in, a function would spit out the ID to an untaken geometry