I have written a function in VB.Net (.NET Framework 4.8) that reads a specific number of bits from a byte array starting from a given position and sums the result. Example:NextBits({255, 255, 255}, 0, 24)
returns 765 because 255 + 255 + 255.
If a few bits are read and these cross a byte boundary, then a new byte is returned with the specified bits as the most significant bits. Example:NextBits({0, 15, 200}, 12, 5)
returns 248 because 5 bits are read from 0000 0000 0000 1111 1000 0000, and these become 1111 1000 (248).
I originally copied the function from a Stackoverflow answer that was written in C. In that version, a result array was passed by reference to the function – however, I need the sum of the result bytes. The function seemed to have several bugs, so I made two improvements:
tmp |= tmp2 >> (8 - offset);
resulted in 0 in certain cases, but in VB.net it was 1, so I added Math.Min(). (C behaves differently and I had to make a few adjustments).The problem now is that I discovered a bug yesterday: In the test case, NextBits({48, 2, 250}, 0, 24)
, it should return 300 because all 3 bytes are read (48 + 2 + 250), but the result is 254. This is because the Math.Min() that I added is causing an issue. All previous test cases worked correctly.
Edit October 8: I've just determined that the issue is actually in the line If CUInt(tmp) << CInt(8UI - CUInt(offset)) > 255UI Then
. In the last test case, the code enters the If block 3 times, whereas in the other test cases it goes into the Else
once and then into the If
block twice.
I made a test project:
Option Strict On
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
' 255 255 255
Dim nextBitsResult1 As UInteger = NextBits({255, 255, 255}, 0, 23)
Debug.WriteLine("NextBits 764 = " & nextBitsResult1.ToString())
' 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0010
' 0 1 2
Dim nextBitsResult2 As UInteger = NextBits({0, 1, 2}, 0, 24)
Debug.WriteLine("NextBits 3 = " & nextBitsResult2.ToString())
' 0000 0000 0000 1111 1100 1000
' ____ _
' 0 15 200
Dim nextBitsResult3 As UInteger = NextBits({0, 15, 200}, 12, 5)
Debug.WriteLine("NextBits 248 = " & nextBitsResult3.ToString())
' 0000 0000 0001 1111 0000 0000
' _ ____
' 0 31 0
'Dim nextBitsResult4 As UInteger = NextBits({0, 31, 0}, 11, 5)
'Debug.WriteLine("NextBits 31 = " & nextBitsResult4.ToString())
' 0011 0000 0000 0010 1111 1010
' 48 2 250
Dim nextBitsResult5 As UInteger = NextBits({48, 2, 250}, 0, 24)
Debug.WriteLine("NextBits 300 = " & nextBitsResult5.ToString())
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Reads the next <b>n</b> bits from a byte array starting at a specified bit position and sums their values.<br></br>
''' If n bits are to be read across bytes, a new byte is returned, such that the bits of the last byte are considered the leftmost
''' (most significant) bits of the result byte.<br></br>
''' Serves as a look ahead.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="byteArray"></param>
''' <param name="startPosition">The start position (0-based) in bits from which to begin reading.</param>
''' <param name="numBits">The number of bits to read from the byte array.</param>
''' <param name="dest">To specify a position in a temporary output array. This parameter is not relevant for end users.</param>
''' <returns></returns>
Friend Function NextBits(byteArray() As Byte, startPosition As Integer, numBits As Integer, Optional dest As Integer = 0) As UInt32
' https://stackoverflow.com/a/50899946
If IsWithinOneByte(startPosition, numBits) Then
Dim idx As Integer = startPosition \ 8
'Return AnotherFunction(byteArray(idx), startPosition, numBits)
End If
Dim bitmask As Integer = -128
Dim len As Integer = numBits
Dim b As Byte() = New Byte(byteArray.Length - 1) {}
While len > 0
Dim idx As Integer = startPosition \ 8
Dim offset As Integer = startPosition Mod 8
Dim tmp As Byte = byteArray(idx) << offset
Dim next_bits As Integer = offset + len - 8
If len > 8 Then
next_bits += 1
End If
If next_bits < 0 Then
' Don't even need all of the current byte -> remove trailing bits
tmp = CByte(tmp And (bitmask >> (len - 1)))
ElseIf next_bits > 0 Then
' Need to include part of next byte
Dim tmp2 As Byte = CByte(byteArray(idx + 1) And (bitmask >> (next_bits - 1)))
If offset <> 0 Then
tmp = tmp Or (tmp2 >> (8 - offset))
tmp = Math.Min(tmp, tmp2 >> (8 - offset))
End If
End If
' Determine byte index and offset in output byte array
idx = dest \ 8
offset = dest Mod 8
b(idx) = b(idx) Or tmp << (8 - offset)
If CUInt(tmp) << CInt(8UI - CUInt(offset)) > 255UI Then ' In the original C code, this check is redundant because if the value exceeds 255, the assignment b(idx + 1) = 0 effectively handles the overflow. (In C, there are no exceptions)
If idx + 1 < b.Length Then ' The original C code did write an array index too far.
b(idx + 1) = 0
End If
If idx + 1 < b.Length Then
b(idx + 1) = b(idx + 1) Or (tmp << (8 - offset))
End If
End If
' Update start position and length for next pass
If len > 8 Then
len -= 8
dest += 8
startPosition += 8
len -= len
End If
End While
Dim ret As UInt32 = CUInt(b.Sum(Function(x As UInt32) x))
Return ret
End Function
Private Function IsWithinOneByte(startPosition As Integer, numBits As Integer) As Boolean
Dim startByte As Integer = startPosition \ 8
Dim endByte As Integer = (startPosition + numBits - 1) \ 8
Return startByte = endByte
End Function
End Module
NextBits 764 = 764
NextBits 3 = 3
NextBits 248 = 248
NextBits 300 = 254
I translated the C
code from answer into VB
Function NextBits(byteArray() As Byte,
startPosition As Integer, numBits As Integer)
Const bitmask = &HFFFFFF80
Dim len = numBits
Dim dest = 0
Dim sum = 0
While len > 0
'Determine the byte index and offset in the input byte array
Dim idx = startPosition \ 8
Dim offset = startPosition Mod 8
Dim tmp As Integer = byteArray(idx) << offset
Dim next_bits = offset + len - 8
If next_bits < 0 Then
'Don't even need all of current byte => remove trailing bits ...
tmp = tmp And (bitmask >> (len - 1))
ElseIf next_bits > 0 Then
'Need to include part of next byte ...
Dim tmp2 = byteArray(idx + 1) And (bitmask >> (next_bits - 1))
tmp = tmp Or (tmp2 >> (8 - offset))
End If
'Determine byte index and offset in output byte array
idx = dest \ 8
offset = dest Mod 8
sum += (tmp >> offset)
sum += ((tmp << (8 - offset)) And &HFF)
'Update start position and length for next pass ...
If len > 8 Then
len -= 8
dest += 8
startPosition += 8
Exit While
End If
End While
Return sum
End Function
I didn't find any errors there. But there are several nuances related to the translation:
array from the calculations, since it isn't required to find the sum. (The bit ranges don't overlap, therefore they can be summed separately.) If you still need b
array, then keep in mind that this algorithm uses one more element, i.e. you will need to create it like this:Dim b As Byte() = New Byte(byteArray.Length) {}
idx = dest \ 8
offset = dest Mod 8
b(idx) = b(idx) Or (tmp >> offset)
b(idx + 1) = b(idx + 1) Or ((tmp << (8 - offset)) And &HFF)
Return b.Sum(Function(x) x)
using "And &HFF
" mask in one place.C
code, arithmetical shift of the signed number to the right was used to create the mask: "bitmask >> ...
". Therefore, bitmask
constant had to be supplemented with 1s on the left: &HFFFFFF80
(-128). (By the way, if you set the mask to &HFFFFFF00
, the expressions will be simplified: tmp = tmp And (bitmask >> len)
and tmp2 = byteArray(idx + 1) And (bitmask >> next_bits)
.)tmp << (8 - offset)
" worked on its own. The fact is that VB
uses only the 3 lowest bits of the operand to shift the byte, so the operation "ByteVal << 8
" doesn't change the result.The compilation differences between C
and VB
are as follows:
unsigned char ByteVal = 255;
unsigned char u7 = 7;
unsigned char u8 = 8;
unsigned char u9 = 9;
// integral promotion:
int Shift7 = ByteVal << u7; // 32640
int Shift8 = ByteVal << u8; // 65280
int Shift9 = ByteVal << u9; // 130560
Dim ByteVal As Byte = 255
Dim u7 As Byte = 7
Dim u8 As Byte = 8
Dim u9 As Byte = 9
'using the 3 lowest bits:
Dim Shift7 As Integer = ByteVal << u7 '128
Dim Shift8 As Integer = ByteVal << u8 '255
Dim Shift9 As Integer = ByteVal << u9 '254
This is not exactly the OP's code. The fact is that the question was asked in such detail that by the time I finished reading it, my code had already been invented. I didn't notice that there is an implementation of NextBits
method in the scrollbox at the end. Therefore, I decided to present and finalize my implementation, because it is fully operational and ready for use:
Function NextBits(byteArray() As Byte,
startPosition As Integer, numBits As Integer)
Dim totalNumBits = byteArray.Length * 8
Dim endPosition = startPosition + numBits
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(startPosition, totalNumBits)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(endPosition, totalNumBits)
If startPosition < 0 Then Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException
If startPosition > totalNumBits Then Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException
If numBits < 0 Then Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException
If endPosition > totalNumBits Then Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException
#End If
Dim s_offs = startPosition \ 8
Dim s_mod = startPosition Mod 8
Dim s_mod_inv = 8 - s_mod
Dim e_offs = endPosition \ 8
Dim e_mod = endPosition Mod 8
Dim GetByte = Function(i) _
((byteArray(i) << s_mod) _
Or (byteArray(i + 1) >> s_mod_inv)) _
And &HFF
Dim GetLastByte =
Dim b = byteArray(i) << s_mod
Dim i2 = i + 1
If i2 < byteArray.Length Then
b = b Or (byteArray(i2) >> s_mod_inv)
End If
Return b And &HFF
End Function
Dim sum
If s_mod = 0 Then
sum = byteArray.Skip(s_offs).Take(e_offs - s_offs).Sum(Function(b) b)
If e_mod <> 0 Then sum += byteArray(e_offs) And (&HFFFFFF00 >> e_mod)
ElseIf s_mod >= e_mod Then
sum = Enumerable.Range(s_offs, e_offs - s_offs - 1).Sum(GetByte)
sum += GetLastByte(e_offs - 1) And (&HFF << (s_mod - e_mod))
sum = Enumerable.Range(s_offs, e_offs - s_offs).Sum(GetByte)
sum += GetLastByte(e_offs) And (&HFFFFFF00 >> (e_mod - s_mod))
End If
Return sum
End Function
Both solutions work within a single byte:
' 0101 0110
' __ __
' 86
Console.WriteLine("NextBits 80 = " & NextBits({86}, 2, 4))