
Dataframe manipulation: "explode rows" on new dataframe with repeated indices

I have two dataframes say df1 and df2, for example

import pandas as pd
col_1= ["A", ["B","C"], ["A","C","D"], "D"]
col_id = [1,2,3,4]
col_2 = [1,2,2,3,3,4,4]
d1  = {'ID': [1,2,3,4], 'Labels': col_1}
d2  = {'ID': col_2, }
d_2_get = {'ID': col_2, "Labels": ["A", "B", "C", "A", "C", "D", np.nan] }
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=d1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=d2)
df_2_get = pd.DataFrame(data=d_2_get)

df1 looking like

    ID  col2
0   1   A
1   2   [B, C]
2   3   [A, C, D]
3   4   D

and df2 looking like

0   1
1   2
2   2
3   3
4   3
5   4
6   4

I want to add a column Labels to df2, taken from df1, in such a way that:

Given df1 and df2, the output should look like df_2_get below

    ID  Labels
0   1   A
1   2   B
2   2   C
3   3   A
4   3   C
5   4   D
6   4   NaN

My current clumsy attempt is below,

from collections import Counter
def list_flattener(list_of_lists):
    return [item for row in list_of_lists for item in row]

def my_dataframe_filler(df1, df2):
    list_2_fill = []
    repeats = dict(Counter(df2["ID"]))
    for k in repeats.keys():
        available_labels_list = df1[df1["ID"]==k]["Labels"].tolist()
        available_labels_list = list_flattener(available_labels_list)
    return list_2_fill

and then use as

df2["Labels"] = my_dataframe_filler(df1, df2)

but I would like to learn how a pandas black belt would handle the problem, thanks


  • IIUC, you could explode and perform a merge after deduplication with groupby.cumcount:

    out = (df2
        .merge(df1.explode('Labels').assign(n=lambda x: x.groupby('ID').cumcount()),
               on=['ID', 'n'], how='left'


       ID  n Labels
    0   1  0      A
    1   2  0      B
    2   2  1      C
    3   3  0      A
    4   3  1      C
    5   4  0      D
    6   4  1    NaN

    Alternatively, a pure python approach using iterators, map and next:

    # for each list, build an iterator
    d = dict(zip(df1['ID'], map(iter, df1['Labels'])))
    # take the appropriate list and get the next available item
    # default to None if exhausted
    df2['Labels'] = df2['ID'].map(lambda x: next(d[x], None))


       ID Labels
    0   1      A
    1   2      B
    2   2      C
    3   3      A
    4   3      C
    5   4      D
    6   4   None