I have an application that uses libespeak (version 1.47.11) to announce various status messages in a human-like voice.
This was working well until a new thread was introduced into the application. Now, commonly, the expected words are followed by gibberish. Occasionally these are the final syllables of a longer, previously announced message. Other times they're numbers or just stray letters.
My code resembles:
#include <espeak/speak_lib.h>
// ...
std::string message = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.";
AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK, // plays audio data asynchronously
500, // length of buffers for synth function, in ms
nullptr, // dir containing espeak-data, or null for default
0); // options are mostly for phoneme callbacks, so 0
espeak_ERROR err = espeak_Synth(
message.c_str(), // text
message.size(), // size
0, // position to start from
POS_CHARACTER, // whether above 0 pos is chars/word/sentences
message.size(), // end position, 0 indicating no end
espeakCHARS_AUTO | // flags: AUTO 8 bit or UTF8 automatically
espeakENDPAUSE, // ENDPAUSE sentence pause at end of text
nullptr, // message identifier given to callback (unused)
nullptr); // user data, passed to the callback function (unused)
if (err != EE_OK)
cerr << "Error synthesising speech" << endl;
// Wait until everything has been spoken
I tried allocating a large, zeroed buffer and copying my string into it before passing it off to libespeak, but it didn't help.
The scope of these calls persists as the call to espeak_Synchronize
blocks until speech completes, so nothing is deleting the message
string. It's as though libespeak is ignoring the length I'm requesting.
Note that if I shorten the size
argument (the second one) then the spoken string is truncated.
Note too that I'm only calling libespeak from a single thread within my multithreaded application.
Please remember that the second parameter (the size) is used to allocate the internal buffer, therefore it must allow for the 0-char terminator.
Using message.size()
might be the cause of your issue and must be replaced by message.size() + 1
See sample code at eSpeak sample