How is it possible to include a header row in the variable $Table and retain the first column of $Data (Strings)? $Table should contain a complete table, just like $Data.
reset session
$Data <<EOD
Temp ST_01 ST_02 ST_03 ST_04
ag7 -0.0295167 0.0553285 0.00883727 0.392553
bc9 -0.0513702 0.0355596 -0.0165404 0.252816
cc9 -0.0303508 -0.00354388 0.0428582 0.0882037
cd3 -0.0239757 -0.0363891 0.0227775 0.270722
set table $Table
plot $Data u (sprintf("%f\t%f",column("ST_01")/column("ST_02"),column("ST_03"))) w table
unset table
print $Table
$Data <<EOD
Temp ST_01 ST_02 ST_03 ST_04
ag7 -0.0295167 0.0553285 0.00883727 0.392553
bc9 -0.0513702 0.0355596 -0.0165404 0.252816
cc9 -0.0303508 -0.00354388 0.0428582 0.0882037
cd3 -0.0239757 -0.0363891 0.0227775 0.270722
set print $Table
print "Temp St1/St2 St3"
unset print
# Make sure the 1st line of $Data is not treated as data values
set datafile columnheader
set table $Table append
plot $Data using (strcol(1)) : (column("ST_01")/column("ST_02")) : (column("ST_03")) with table
unset table
print $Table
Temp St1/St2 St3
ag7 -0.533481 0.00883727
bc9 -1.44462 -0.0165404
cc9 8.56429 0.0428582
cd3 0.65887 0.0227775