
How can I determine if OneTrust cookies have been accepted?

I'm using OneTrust for my cookie banner on a website. I'm trying to determine how, using Javascript, to tell if a user has opted in to permit cookies.

I have been able to detect changes to cookie opt-in using this code:

window.OneTrust.OnConsentChanged(() => {
  // cookie consent change

However, after navigating around my website - or if I reload my site - I'd like to know if the user has at any time in the past opted in (or out) of the OneTrust cookies. For example, if opted out, I can display a subtle message about the benefits of opting in.

I didn't see anything obvious in the OneTrust web sdk:

I'm looking for something like window.OneTrust.hasOptedIn() (of course, that doesn't exist, but you get the idea!).

Or, perhaps there is some other way outside of the OneTrust SDK to achieve this?


  • This is the solution that I ultimately went with:

    const OTCookieName = 'OptanonConsent';
    const OTCookieMatch = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )' + OTCookieName + '=([^;]+)'));
    if (OTCookieMatch) {
        const OTCookieValue = OTCookieMatch[2];
        // replaxe C0003 with whatever OT value we need to check for
        if (OTCookieValue && OTCookieValue.includes('C0003')) {
            // user has opted-in