I use the below code to copy the blob.
def _upload_small_block_blob(self, container_name, blob_name, new_block_blob_name):
# Download the small blob using the SDK
blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(self._conn_string)
container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name)
old_blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(blob_name)
downloaded_data = old_blob_client.download_blob().readall()
new_blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(new_block_blob_name)
if new_blob_client.exists():
print(f"Blob '{new_block_blob_name}' already exists. Choose a different name.")
new_blob_client.upload_blob(downloaded_data, blob_type="BlockBlob")
log.info(f"Uploaded new Block Blob '{blob_name}' successfully.")
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"Failed to upload new Block Blob '{blob_name}': {str(e)}")
This code works fine, when the blobtype is valid. I don't know how my blob got invalid type, no idea
I tried manually downloading and tried to upload it, then also it shows
Failed to upload 1 out of 1 blob(s): configuration-0.jsonl: The blob type is invalid for this operation.
I used the above code to upload it as new blob, still no luck. It shows:
2024-10-21 11:24:08 _ERROR_ [blob_storage_life_cycle.py:388]: Failed to upload new Block Blob '2024/10/01154538/bb-GOPACS-0.jsonl': The blob type is invalid for this operation.
Content: InvalidBlobType
The blob type is invalid for this operation.
2024-10-21 11:24:29 INFO [blob_storage_life_cycle.py:358]: Source Blob Type: BlobType.BLOCKBLOB
Failed to upload new Block Blob 'publicstatistics_16.jsonl': The blob type is invalid for this operation. RequestId:2139ea82-701e-000d-114a-24af5f000000 Time:2024-10-22T06:24:01.8073038Z ErrorCode:InvalidBlobType Content:
The blob type is invalid for this operation. RequestId:2139ea82-701e-000d-114a-24af5f000000.
The above error may be occurred, when you are uploading the same blob name
with different blob type
In my storage account, I stored configuration-0.jsonl
file is in append blob type.
I also got the same error when I try with same blob name with different blob type to upload in storage account.
Source Blob Type: BlobType.APPENDBLOB
Failed to upload new Block Blob 'configuration-0.jsonl': The blob type is invalid for this operation.
Content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>InvalidBlobType</Code><Message>The blob type is invalid for this operation.
I tried to upload the file with different name it executed successfully in my environment using below code.
from azure.storage.blob import BlobServiceClient, BlobClient ,BlobType
def upload_small_block_blob(connection_string, container_name, blob_name, new_blob_name):
blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name)
old_blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(blob_name)
blob_properties = old_blob_client.get_blob_properties()
blob_type = blob_properties.blob_type
print(f"Source Blob Type: {blob_type}")
downloaded_data = old_blob_client.download_blob().readall()
new_blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(new_blob_name)
new_blob_client.upload_blob(downloaded_data, blob_type=BlobType.BLOCKBLOB)
print(f"Uploaded new Block Blob '{new_blob_name}' successfully.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to upload new Block Blob '{new_blob_name}': {str(e)}")
# Example usage
connection_string = "xxx"
container_name = "venkat"
blob_name = "publicstatistics_16.jsonl" # Original append blob
new_blob_name = "test.jsonl" # New block blob
upload_small_block_blob(connection_string, container_name, blob_name, new_blob_name)
Source Blob Type: BlobType.APPENDBLOB
Uploaded new Block Blob 'test.jsonl' successfully.