If I make a Restructured Text list with letters as the bullets, this works fine for the first 26 letters "a.".."z.". However, when I extend the list to 27 items or more, such as with "aa.", then the list stops rendering (see example screenshot). What can I do to make long lists render correctly?
Example input:
a. ipsum
b. dolor
c. sit
d. amet,
e. consectetur
f. adipiscing
g. elit,
h. sed
i. do
j. eiusmod
k. tempor
l. incididunt
m. ut
n. labore
o. et
p. dolore
q. magna
r. aliqua.
s. Ut
t. enim
u. ad
v. minim
w. veniam,
x. quis
y. nostrud
z. exercitation
aa. ullamco
ab. laboris
ac. nisi
ad. ut
ae. aliquip
af. ex
ag. ea
ah. commodo
ai. consequat.
aj. Duis
ak. aute
al. irure
am. dolor
an. in
ao. reprehenderit
ap. in
aq. voluptate
Resulting output (screenshot):
Also, I'm aware that there's probably an explicit CSS option to make this work, but I'd prefer not to make my docstring harder to read in the code file just so that it renders correctly after processing with RST.
Only single characters are recognized as alphabetical list markers for an enumerated list in reStructuredText.
Lines starting with two letters are interpreted as one ordinary paragraph —
there should have been a (WARNING/2) Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
for your input example.
But not everything is lost. You may set the list style with an alphbetic marker on the first item(s) and use the auto-enumerator (#) for subsequent items like:
u. ad
v. minim
w. veniam,
#. quis
#. nostrud
#. exercitation
#. ullamco
#. laboris
#. nisi
#. ut
#. aliquip
If you want to continue a long alphabetical list at some higher value, you may use numerical markers and precede the list with a "class" directive:
.. class:: loweralpha
27. ullamco
28. laboris
29. nisi
.. rstclass::
instead of .. class::