Type mismatch: inferred type is List<BookParkingResponse.Data> but List<BookParkingResponse.Data.ParkingRequests> was expected unable to pass data bewteeen fragments
Nav Graph code:
app:argType="com.jvm.di.model.parkingSpot.response.BookParkingResponse.Data" />
Response class
data class BookParkingResponse(
@SerializedName("data") var data: List<Data>? = null
):Parcelable {
data class Data(
@SerializedName("parkingRequests") var parkingRequests: List<ParkingRequests>? = null
) : Parcelable {
data class ParkingRequests(
@SerializedName("parkingSpotId") var parkingSpotId: Int? = null,
@SerializedName("bookingStatus") var bookingStatus: String? = null,
@SerializedName("amount") var amount: Double? = null):Parcelable
// pass data on itemClick
findNavController().navigate( MyParkFragmentDirections.toAllRequestListFragment(it))
// how I receive data in another fragments
private val args: AllRequestListFragmentArgs by navArgs()
allRequestListAdapter = AllRequestListAdapter()
rvItems.adapter = allRequestListAdapter
allRequestListAdapter.allParkingRequestList = listOf(args.bookingRequestList)
// how i create list in adapter
internal var allParkingRequestList: List<BookParkingResponse.Data> by Delegates.observable(
) { _, _, _ -> notifyDataSetChanged() }
So, I resolve my issue. corrected navgraph
android:name="bookingRequestList" app:argType="di.model.parkingSpot.response.BookParkingResponse$Data[]"/>
// this is how i pass the data
So, this is the easy way to pass data, but what type of data is in our model class? what fragment was sent to the adapter and what type of data the adapter wants. it's a little bit tricky but when you understand. then it will become very easy for you