I have a simple sheet on a view. The sheet has a specific height right from the start, but it is draggable for the user to the height .medium and .large.
On the sheet is a button. When the button is tagged, the sheet is supposed to be shown in a new height. After, the user kann drag the sheet as he could before.
THE PROBLEM: I can define the heights to which the user can drag the sheet by using .presentationDetents([.height(40), .medium, .large])
. But I don't arrive to set the sheet on a specific height(e.g. 200).
When I define a custom height like .presentationDetents([.height(200)])
, it sets the sheet on 200. BUT it is no more draggable for the user, as I had to eliminate the other heights (.medium and .large).
Here is my code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var sheetSize: Float = 60
var body: some View {
.sheet(isPresented: .constant(true)) {
Button {
if sheetSize == 40 {
sheetSize = 200 // THIS DOES NOT WORK.
else {
sheetSize = 60
print("sheetSize:", sheetSize)
} label: {
Image(systemName: "button.programmable")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
.presentationDetents([.height(CGFloat(sheetSize)), .medium, .large])
} // Sheet
}// var body
}// struct
#Preview {
Pass a Binding<PresentationDetent>
the selection
parameter to programmatically change the detent.
Here I have added a new @State
called currentDetent
to track the current detent. You should set it, in addition to setting sheetSize
in the button's action.
@State private var sheetSize: CGFloat = 60
@State private var currentDetent = PresentationDetent.height(60)
var body: some View {
.sheet(isPresented: .constant(true)) {
Button {
if sheetSize == 60 {
sheetSize = 200
currentDetent = .height(200)
} else {
sheetSize = 60
currentDetent = .height(60)
print("sheetSize:", sheetSize)
} label: {
Image(systemName: "button.programmable")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
.presentationDetents([.height(sheetSize), .medium, .large], selection: $currentDetent)