I am designing an app where users can comment using a rich text editor and those are displayed as a html object.
This is the code to take comments:
<quill-editor theme="snow" v-model:content="newComment"></quill-editor>
const newComment = ref('')
Now assuming that I want to show the comment (while taking into account all the features of the input, such as bullet points or bold text), I have this element
<div v-html="newComment"></div>
But the output of this div is [object Object]
, not the one I expected. Alternately, if I write <div>{{newComment}}</div>
I just get a Delta object like { "ops": [ { "insert": "aaa\n" } ] }
I read the documentation and similar code. There is some existing code but I could not find Vue 3 composition API case.
You have to specify the content type.
<quill-editor theme="snow" v-model:content="newComment" content-type="html"></quill-editor>
It will works