I used to run the Pentaho ETL jobs in PDI community edition 5.3 with the kitchen like below
./kitchen.sh -rep=repo1 -file=/var/lib/jenkins/project/path/etl/Job1.kjb
after upgrading the PDI community edition to 9.2 the same ETL jobs are showing the below errors
**Error Log:**
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - Job1 - Start of job execution
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - Job1 - Starting entry [sub_job_1]
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - ERROR (version, build from 2021-06-02 06.36.08 by buildguy) : Error running job entry 'job' :
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - ERROR (version, build from 2021-06-02 06.36.08 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException:
**2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - Unexpected error during job metadata load
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 -
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - Unable to load the job from XML file [/var/lib/jenkins/project/path/etl/sub_job_1.kjb.kjb]**
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 -
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - File [file:///var/lib/jenkins/project/path/etl/sub_job_1.kjb.kjb] does not exists.**
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 -
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 -
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 -
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - at org.pentaho.di.job.entries.job.JobEntryJob.getJobMeta(JobEntryJob.java:1467)
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - at org.pentaho.di.job.entries.job.JobEntryJob.getJobMeta(JobEntryJob.java:1385)
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - at org.pentaho.di.job.entries.job.JobEntryJob.execute(JobEntryJob.java:695)
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute(Job.java:693)
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute(Job.java:834)
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute(Job.java:503)
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.run(Job.java:389)
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException:
2022/03/02 05:00:28 - sub_job_1 - Unable to load the job from XML file [/var/lib/jenkins/project/path/etl/sub_job_1.kjb.kjb]
the error is its additionaly adding the .kjb extension at end of each job
Switching from -file to -job in the kitchen command input and removing the .kjb extension in the job file solved the issue.
./kitchen.sh -rep=repo1 -file=/var/lib/jenkins/project/path/etl/Job1.kjb
./kitchen.sh -rep=repo1 -job=/var/lib/jenkins/project/path/etl/Job1