
Angular Parent Form + childForm

i got a question i havent found an answer too and i was curious if one of you came across this.

Imagine having a ParentForm and a ChildForm. Child and Parent are each one Angular Component.

parentForm: FormControl = new{})

childForm: FormControl = new{
 checkbox: false,

now if i want to add the childForm to the parentForm to connect them, i would do:

@(ViewChild)(ChildComponent) = childComponent;

ngAfterViewInit(): {
   this.parentForm.addControl('childFormName', this.childComponent.childForm)

This whole action would make the ParentForm look like this:

parentForm: {
 childFormName: {
  checkbox: false

I dont want this, i would like to not have to give the added form an extra name, and would want to have it look like this:

parentForm: {
  checkbox: false

Has anyone every ecountered a usecase for this?

thanks for the help in advance


  • First I would clone the child form, since I do not want the updates on the child form to propagate to the parent. Then simply using object de-structuring add the controls to the parent form.

    I am using cloneDeep from lodash for cloning since it's the most reliable method to create a deep clone ( my preference ).

    ngOnInit() {
      const cloneChildForm = cloneDeep(this.childForm);
      this.parentForm ={

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