
Android licensing - when you release a library, how to copyright notice 3rd party

I'm going to release an Apache 2.0 Android library on Maven. As in most of the cases, it relies on some third party dependencies, imported via build.gradle (e.g. androidx, etc).

When you publish an app, the copyright process for 3rd party is straightforward: you gather all the dependencies in OssLicensesMenuActivity which you display somewhere in the app.

But what's the process when you release a library? there are no activities to notice the user about your 3rd parties. So, should them be gathered into some file, and this file included in the release?

I've searched a lot about this topic but I didn't find any answer because I've only found answers about app store releases, but not aar releases.

That's all, thanks, have a good day.


  • I did a little more research and found an answer by myself :) There are some steps to ensure you're respecting attribution when you publish on github: