I have an xml file which include these lines:
<Integer Name="XMLVersionVal">
I would like to create a tcl script to find the value of the parameter XMLVersionVal in this case "16".
I've made this script (see below) which is working fine but I find it ugly and too lengthy. I would like to knew if there is a better way to do what I want. I basically look every line of the file, find the one with Name="XMLVersionVal" then remove the and from the next line.
Thanks for your help
set filePath "C:/tclWork/xml_file.xml"
if {[file exist $filePath]} {
set xmlFile [open $filePath r]
set file_content [read $xmlFile]
close $xmlFile
set xmlVerFound 0
foreach {line} $file_content {
if {[regexp {1} $xmlVerFound]} {
regsub {<Value>} $line {} line
regsub {</Value>} $line {} line
set xmlVer $line
if {[string first {Name="XMLVersionVal"} $line] != -1} {
set xmlVerFound 1
} else {
set xmlVerFound 0
For simplicity I'd recommend the following:
## just for testing
set data {Name="XMLVersionVal"> <Value>16</Value>}
regexp -nocase {Name[\r\n\f\t\s]*=[\r\n\f\t\s]*"XMLVersionVal"[\r\n\f\t\s]*>[\r\n\f\t\s]*<Value>([^<>]*)</Value>} $data dummy result
puts $result ;# prints 16
While the sequence of [\r\n\f\t\s]
matches any white character = carrier return, newline, form feed, tab, space;
itself returns 0 or 1 depending if a match is found.
If one knows the content to search for one could also limit to numbers which would improve liability:
regexp -nocase {Name[\r\n\f\t\s]*=[\r\n\f\t\s]*"XMLVersionVal"[\r\n\f\t\s]*>[\r\n\f\t\s]*<Value>([0-9]*)</Value>} $data dummy result
Character class changed from (.*)
to ([^<>]*)
which now matches any character but <>