
Adding a new package broke my Spring Boot Application

I'm getting troubles since I have added a new package in my spring boot application containing Mapstructs' mappers. Looks like the field:

private UtenteMapper utenteMapper; 

is not being populated in my Service component. The Spring boot main class, PaniECumpanagghiuApplicationConfiguration, is quite essential, (it contains only the @SpringBootApplicationAnnotation annotation), but I've tried previously to add a @ComponentScan.


In this way the functionality is being recovered, but the @Controller is not fired (when I invoke my API the server retrieves 404). I tried also to add all the packages into the annotation @ComponentScan, like this


In this way neither the former object, UtenteMapper, is populated anymore (same behavior than the case without @ComponentScan annotation).

If I comment all references to the new package, and I simplify the API in order to return only a String ("Ciao"), the controller is fired. This is my tree directory

Work tree

I have described everything in the previous section.

EDIT 1 Hey guys i have the impression that the problem is in the mapstruct dependence importing. So I decided to give you the whole pom.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>Web app di food delivery per la sicilia sud orientale</description>
<!--        <dependency>


                    <source>1.8</source> <!-- depending on your project -->
                    <target>1.8</target> <!-- depending on your project -->
                        <!-- other annotation processors -->
            <name>Spring Snapshots</name>
            <name>Spring Snapshots</name>



  • Because you are telling that perhaps the issue is connected to the interaction of Lombok and Mapstruct, perhaps (the pom.xml file says other annotation processors and I don't know if there are really others), you have to include both annotation processors in the maven-compiler-plugin, like this:


    Moreover: check if UtenteMapper is annotated with componentModel = "spring", like this:

    @Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
    public interface UtenteMapper {

    Without that attribute set (read the javadoc) the generated mapper can't be managed as a Spring bean and won't be injected with @Autowired.

    As a side note, just for conventions' sake: please use lower case starting packages, I suppose Eclipse is telling this already as a warning when creating classes and other packages.