I have a table in Google Sheets where one of the columns is a dropdown menu.
In another sheet, I want to get all the individual options from this dropdown menu. I modified this solution by @Tanaike to work on just a single cell instead of an entire range.
* @OnlyCurrentDoc
function GET_DROPDOWN_OPTIONS(cell_reference_str) {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheet, cell_name;
// Check if input contains '!', indicating a specific sheet is referenced
if (cell_reference_str.indexOf('!') > 0) {
const [sheetName, cell_name] = cell_reference_str.split('!');
sheet = sheetName;
} else {
sheet = ss.getActiveSheet().getName(); // Get the active sheet's name
cell_name = cell_reference_str;
// Now check if the sheet exists in the spreadsheet
const actualSheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheet);
if (!actualSheet) {
throw new Error("Sheet not found: " + sheet);
var cell = actualSheet.getRange(cell_name)
// Get data validation for the specified cell
const dataValidation = cell.getDataValidation();
if (dataValidation) {
const criteriaType = dataValidation.getCriteriaType();
const criteriaValues = dataValidation.getCriteriaValues()[0];
if (criteriaType == SpreadsheetApp.DataValidationCriteria.VALUE_IN_LIST) {
const result = criteriaValues.map(option => [option]);
return result;
} else if (criteriaType == SpreadsheetApp.DataValidationCriteria.VALUE_IN_RANGE) {
const result = criteriaValues.getValues().flat().map(option => [option]);
return result;
// Return empty array if no data validation or unsupported validation type
return [[""]];
This works fine when the input is a reference to a normal cell with a dropdown (i.e. not a cell in a table column) but this does not work when the referenced cell is a cell in a table column with a dropdown menu.
In the case where the cell is part of a table, the dataValidation
is just none
How can I resolve this?
is null
. I thought that this might be the reason for your current issue. In this case, Spreadsheet service (SpreadsheetApp) and Sheets API return the same result. I expect that this will be resolved in future updates.From the above issue, in this answer, I would like to propose a workaround. The flow of the workaround is as follows.
When this flow is reflected in your script, it becomes as follows.
function GET_DROPDOWN_OPTIONS(cell_reference_str) {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheet, cell_name;
// Check if input contains '!', indicating a specific sheet is referenced
if (cell_reference_str.indexOf('!') > 0) {
[sheetName, cell_name] = cell_reference_str.split('!');
sheet = sheetName;
} else {
sheet = ss.getActiveSheet().getName(); // Get the active sheet's name
cell_name = cell_reference_str;
// Now check if the sheet exists in the spreadsheet
const actualSheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheet);
if (!actualSheet) {
throw new Error("Sheet not found: " + sheet);
var cell = actualSheet.getRange(cell_name)
// Get data validation for the specified cell
const dataValidation = cell.getDataValidation();
// --- I modified the below script.
const scriptInIfstatement_ = dataValidation => {
const criteriaType = dataValidation.getCriteriaType();
const criteriaValues = dataValidation.getCriteriaValues()[0];
if (criteriaType == SpreadsheetApp.DataValidationCriteria.VALUE_IN_LIST) {
const result = criteriaValues.map(option => [option]);
return result;
} else if (criteriaType == SpreadsheetApp.DataValidationCriteria.VALUE_IN_RANGE) {
const result = criteriaValues.getValues().flat().map(option => [option]);
return result;
if (dataValidation) {
return scriptInIfstatement_(dataValidation);
} else {
const temp = ss.insertSheet("temp" + Utilities.getUuid());
const tempRange = temp.getRange("A1");
const tempDataValidation = tempRange.getDataValidation();
const res = tempDataValidation ? scriptInIfstatement_(tempDataValidation) : [[""]];
return res;
With this modification, when a cell with the data validation in a Table is used, the values in the data validation are returned using the above workaround.