
sin() returns a slightly different results for the different platforms

I've noticed during CI that this code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    const double d = 3.81219767052986080458;
    fprintf(stderr, "%.20f\n", sin(d));
    return 0;

compilled with gcc test.c -lm -o test
returns a slightly different results for my 2 test platforms.
It's -0.62146009873891927544
witn gcc version 13.2.0 libc 2.39-0ubuntu8.3 Kubuntu 24.04
and -0.62146009873891938646
with gcc version 12.2.0 libc 2.36-9+deb12u7+ci202405171200+astra5+b1 Astra Linux 1.8

I wonder what affects it? libm? gcc? may be CPU?
This slight difference may be accumulated during integration in a tight loops.
Is there a simple way to get rid of it without performance penalties? A gcc compiler param, for example?


  • Such investigations, shown with hexadecimal of %a can shed light:

    int main() {
        double x;
        x = 3.81219767052986080458;
        printf("x:        % -25a % .21g\n", x, x);
        double y = sin(x);
        printf("sin(x):   % -25a % .21g\n", y, y);
        long double yl = sinl(x);
        printf("sinl(x):  % -25La % .21Lg\n", yl, yl);
        y = -0.62146009873891927544;
        printf("13.2.0 :  % -25a % .21g\n", y, y);
        y = -0.62146009873891938646;
        printf("12.2.0:   % -25a % .21g\n", y, y);
        return 0;


    x:         0x1.e7f617e06814dp+1      3.81219767052986080458
    sin(x):   -0x1.3e30049fb486ap-1     -0.621460098738919386463
    sinl(x):  -0x1.3e30049fb48697f8p-1  -0.621460098738919330735
    13.2.0 :  -0x1.3e30049fb4869p-1     -0.621460098738919275441
    12.2.0:   -0x1.3e30049fb486ap-1     -0.621460098738919386463

    From this we can see

    With sin() of the 2 systems, including my own, the answers are within 1 unit in the last place (ULP) of each other.

    Using long double math, we get a sinl() of -0x1.3e30049fb4869_7f8p-1. Note that 7f8 is very nearly half way between the lower precision sin() results of the 2 systems report by OP. -0x1.3e30049fb4869p-1 is about 4 parts in 100 closer and so the better answer.

    I wonder what affects it? libm? gcc? may be CPU?

    Many things may affect this including the run-time math (Report value of FLT_EVAL_METHOFD), optimization settings, library used and even the CPU.

    Is there a simple way to get rid of it without performance penalties? A gcc compiler param, for example




    Although only a few lines long there are 3 places where inexactness may arrive.

    x before:  0x1.e7f617e06814_cp+1      3.81219767052986_036049...
    x:         0x1.e7f617e06814_dp+1      3.81219767052986_0804577992894337512552738189697265625
    code:                                 3.81219767052986_080458
    x after:   0x1.e7f617e06814_ep+1      3.81219767052986_124867...
    // x from above.
    sin(x) 13.2.0 :  -0x1.3e30049fb4869000p-1  -0.621460098738919_275441...
    sinl(x):         -0x1.3e30049fb48697f8p-1  -0.621460098738919_330735...
    sin(x) 12.2.0:   -0x1.3e30049fb486a000p-1  -0.621460098738919_386463...

    I suspect this is due to a better library function in 13.2.0. Yet even if this one example was a tad worse, the newer library may be better on the average.

    This slight difference may be accumulated during integration in a tight loops.

    The slight difference OP found though is the 1-bit difference in implementations and not the math difference in between sin(x) and the math function sine(x).

    An implementation difference in sin(x) can highlight consistency issues - which OP found. Yet it is that math difference OP should be concerned - and not addressed. That takes a larger analysis and chunk of code to assess.

    If the sin() implementation difference generates real result problems (other than exact consistency) which I doubt (would need to see the larger app), then OP's code likely needs higher precision types.

    I strongly suspect either result is close enough for OP's needs. @Igor Tandetnik