I have below string (this is a single string - I've added newlines only for readability):
"someField0";"some value1; some value2; some value3; some value4";
"someField1";"some value1; some value2; some value3";
"someField2";"some value1; some value2";
"someField3";"some value123";
I need to get rid of any occurrence of ; character from quoted parts using regex / substitution. Desired result is like below:
"someField0";"some value1 some value2 some value3 some value4";
"someField1";"some value1 some value2 some value3";
"someField2";"some value1 some value2";
"someField3";"some value123";
Is it possible to achieve this using only regex with substitution?
I have found several solutions like below, but all of them are capable to remove only one occurrence.
And then substitute with
$1 $2
I am searching of solution based on pure regex because I need to implement this inside SQL query using regex_replace function. This is a part of more complex parsing statement.
You could try using backreferences on capture groups. The idea is to stitch first and third capture group, and leave the second out.
select regexp_replace(str,'([^"])([;]+)([^"])','\\1\\3')