
Flutter data returning error in debug console

I stored MillisecondsSinceEpoch in Firestore which is stored in a field as number. I want to retrieve the data in a Text widget so I convert it to DateTimeFormat.

In the UI everything is good. But in the debug console, I'm getting this error type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'int'.


After streamBuild...

final deptTime = snapshot.data?.get("TimeToStart") //I also tried snapshot.data?.get("TimeToStart") ?? ""
final startTime = DateFormat("hh:mm a")

What can I do to remove the error in the debug console?


  • Since deptTime is supposed to receive an Integer value, you shouldn't assign a string to it in case of the field TimeToStart is null

    final deptTime = snapshot.data?.get("TimeToStart")?? DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;


    the named constructor DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(intValue) requires an integer value as a positional parameter.

    make sure, snapshot.data?.get("TimeToStart") returns an integer if not, cast it to integer.