
SVG rotate="auto" is not behaving as predicted

I am attempting to animate a sprout growing. The plan is that the leaves should follow the path of the stem (illustrated with a dotted line). This is now working (with a little trial and error). However, I would like the leaves to rotate (from bottom-center) along with the path (ideally, growing as they move).

When I set rotate to "auto", the result is not what I would have predicted.

<svg width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 150 150">
  <path fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px" stroke-dasharray="5" id="stem" d="m 29.7,149.1
c 0.3,-1 1.7,-8.6 -0.7,-20.1 -4.3,-20.6 -5.7,-48.9 42.1,-52"/>
  <path id="leaves" d="M 8.5,132.8
C 14.3,133 16.4,132.5 19.9,135.4 23.2,138.2 29.6,144.2 28.5,148.6
L 29.6,149 30.4,149.2
C 32.6,144.2 35.2,140.7 39.3,137.4 43.7,133.9 49.6,133.2 56.9,133.1 56.9,133.1 47.1,126.3 39.5,129.3 31.1,132.8 33.8,138.4 29.7,148.4 29.6,143.6 27.9,132 22.8,130 16.5,127.5 8.5,132.7 8.5,132.7
        begin="" fill="freeze" path="M 0,0
C 0.3,-1 1.7,-8.6 -0.7,-20.1 -5,-40.7 -6.4,-69 41.400002,-72.1"/>

I assumed there may be issues with the path, so I have tried using relative and absolute paths, but both give the same result.


  • Altered all paths with:

    <svg width="150" viewBox="-200 -200 1200 1200" style="background:pink">
      <path id="stem" fill="none" 
            stroke="black" stroke-width="5px" stroke-dasharray="50" 
            d="m297 750c3-10 17-86-7-201-43-206-57-489 421-520"/>
      <path id="leaves" visibility="hidden" fill="green"
            d="m160-210c-2 58 3 79-26 114-28 33-88 97-132 86l-4 11-2 8
               c50 22 85 48 118 89 35 44 42 103 43 176 0 0 68-98 38-174-35
               -84-91-57-191-98 48-1 164-18 184-69 25-63-27-143-27-143z">
        <set attributeName="visibility" from="hidden" to="visible" begin=".01s" />
        <animateMotion begin="0s" dur="3s"
                       rotate="auto" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze">
           <mpath href="#stem"/>