
Plot time series with mean and vertical error bars of interquartile range by column in R

I have a matrix and want to plot vertical error bars of the interquartile range and mean by column from the matrix. How do I do this in R especially ggplot2, please? A sample matrix is given below:

 ##Create matrix
 B = matrix (c(2,4,3,1,5,7,5,3,8,3,7,3),nrow=4,ncol=3) 
 ##Create zoo object
 colnames(B2)<- c("A","B","C")

          A B C
          2 5 8
          4 7 3
          3 5 7
          1 3 3
##The Dates for the columns:
Date<-as.yearmon (seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by = "month", length.out = 3))

I want a time series plot but with a row based vertical IQR error bar for each timestamp. Here's a sample of the outcome I am trying to achieve' However, rather than have towns on the x-axis, I will have the row id or date. enter image description here


  • One characteristic of the function superb() in the package of the same name is that you can provide custom-made functions, either for the central tendency, or more specifically for this question, for the error bar width.

    In the present case, you can "attach" a function of width to the mean using the following:

    IQR.mean <- function(x) { IQR(x) }

    That's it! You then proceed to generate the plot:

    #Create matrix
    B  <- matrix (c(2,4,3,1,5,7,5,3,8,3,7,3),nrow=4,ncol=3) 
    B2 <- as.data.frame(B)
    colnames(B2) <- c("A","B","C")
    # Create the date information
    Date <- as.yearmon (seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by = "month", length.out = 3))
    # do the plot
    superb(cbind(A, B, C) ~., B2, WSFactors = "Date(3)", 
      plotStyle = "line",
      statistic = "mean", #this is the default
      errorbar = "IQR"  
    ) + scale_x_discrete(labels=  as.character(Date) ) +
    ylab( "CO" )

    from which you get

    mean with errobars given by IQR


    Note that I am the creator of superb.