I am using a Weblogic Application Server
, where I have deployed my Angular 2
lets assume that the internal IP is
, and I have set
But the application is exposed external from a Reverse Proxy at http://my.application.org/myapp2
So we have 2 different context paths. This causes problems since I cannot find my front-end resources. How do we resolve such a problem?
This is the approach I am using for Legacy Angular projects. I have created a js file that is run after an ng-build.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const useProtocol = false;
const isAbsoluteUrl = filePath =>
filePath.startsWith('/') || filePath.startsWith('http://') || filePath.startsWith('https://');
const performReplacement = (content) => {
const environmentFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'src', 'environments', 'environment.ts');
const $ = cheerio.load(content);
// Read the environment.ts file to get the APP_CONTEXT_ROOT and API_WEB_SERVER_BASE_PATH values
const environmentContent = fs.readFileSync(environmentFilePath, 'utf8');
const appContextRootMatch = environmentContent.match(/APP_CONTEXT_ROOT: ['"](.*?)['"]/);
const appContextRoot = appContextRootMatch ? appContextRootMatch[1] : '';
const apiWebServerBasePathMatch = environmentContent.match(/API_WEB_SERVER_BASE_PATH: ['"](.*?)['"]/);
const apiWebServerBasePath = apiWebServerBasePathMatch ? apiWebServerBasePathMatch[1] : '';
const normalizedAppContextRoot = appContextRoot.endsWith('/') ? appContextRoot : `${appContextRoot}/`;
const absolutePath = useProtocol
? `${apiWebServerBasePath}${normalizedAppContextRoot}`
: normalizedAppContextRoot;
// Replace the <script> tags with absolute paths
const scriptTags = $('script[src]');
scriptTags.each((index, element) => {
const scriptPath = $(element).attr('src');
if (!isAbsoluteUrl(scriptPath)) {
const absoluteScriptPath = `${absolutePath}${scriptPath}`;
$(element).attr('src', absoluteScriptPath);
// Replace the <link> tags with absolute paths
const linkTags = $('link[href]');
linkTags.each((index, element) => {
const linkPath = $(element).attr('href');
if (!isAbsoluteUrl(linkPath)) {
const absoluteLinkPath = `${absolutePath}${linkPath}`;
$(element).attr('href', absoluteLinkPath);
//replace base href with context root
const baseHref = `<base href="${normalizedAppContextRoot}" />`;
return $.html();
// Replace the index.html file
const distIndexPath = path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'index.html');
const htmlContent = fs.readFileSync(distIndexPath, 'utf8');
const modifiedHtml = performReplacement(htmlContent);
fs.writeFileSync(distIndexPath, modifiedHtml);
//output to console
console.log(`Modified index.html file has been saved in the dist folder.`);
console.log(`Modified content is: `);