
QQmlComponent: Component is not ready - module "QtCharts" is not installed

I am trying to render the QtCharts example on the main page:

import QtCharts


        ChartView {
            title: "Line Chart"
            anchors.fill: parent
            antialiasing: true

            LineSeries {
                name: "Line"
                XYPoint {
                    x: 0
                    y: 0

I have QtCharts and QQmlCharts on the machine (Ubuntu 24.04 - everything installed with apt):


But when I run my c++/qml application or when I just execute the qml code I get:

$ qml qml/HardwareTestScreen.qml
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
file:///home/guido/codes/application/qml/HardwareTestScreen.qml:1:1: module "QtCharts" is not installed
qml: Did not load any objects, exiting.

In the machine I have also compiled and run successfully an application that uses QtCharts but with QtWidgets (w/o Qml). It works well.


  • Installing every qml6 module on Ubuntu 24.04 as this answer suggested, fixed the issue. Even though, I don't know which exact package of the whole list fixed it:

    sudo apt install qml6-module-*