
concatenating any number of std::arrays, using only the bare minimum of ctor calls

I want to implement this function (a function which can concatenate any number of arrays, and it considers the value category as well):

template <typename ELEMENT, std::size_t ...SIZE>
constexpr auto concat(std::array<ELEMENT, SIZE> &&&...arrays) {


Is this possible to do?

It is not hard to implement this function for two arrays (godbolt), but I'm not sure how to generalize this to more than two arrays. I could write 3/4/5/etc-argument function manually, but the number of needed functions grows exponentially.


  • The ask here is basically a simplified version of std::tuple_cat. It's a lot easier than the general problem since you're accepting just std::array<T, N1>, std::array<T, N2>, ..., std::array<T, Nx> and returning std::array<T, N1 + N2 + ... + Nx>. So computing the return type is trivial (and also unnecessary).

    But the actual indexing logic is the same. We need to produce two lists of numbers: a list of outer indices and a list of inner indices. The goal is to ultimately produce the expression:

    return std::array{ arrays...[Inner][Outer]... };

    Where, e.g., if we're concatenating an array of size 4 and an array of size 2, we'd want something like:

    Which we can do, with Boost.Mp11, like this:

    template<typename... Arrays>
    constexpr auto concat(Arrays&& ... arrays) {
      // turns (array<int, 4>, array<int, 2>) [4, 2]
      using Sizes = mp_list<mp_int<std::tuple_size_v<std::remove_cvref_t<Arrays>>>...>;
      // the inner transform gives us [[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1]]
      // so we flatten it with mp_append
      using Inner = mp_apply<mp_append,
        mp_transform<mp_repeat, mp_transform<mp_list, mp_iota_c<sizeof...(Arrays)>>, Sizes>
      // the inner lists give us [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1]]
      // so we flatten it with mp_append
      using Outer = mp_apply<mp_append,
      return [&]<class... Is, class... Js>(mp_list<Is...>, mp_list<Js...>){
        return std::array{
      }(Inner{}, Outer{});

    The inner construction here is pretty awkward because it's not enough to do FWD(arr)[i][j] - because array's index operator doesn't propagate value category. So we need to use std::forward_like, which needs different expressions for the type and operand - which makes it inconvenient to macro out. I suppose you could define a function like std::array{index(FWD(arrays...[Is::value]), Js::value)...} but not sure it's worth it. Maybe if you do this in several places.

    But this correctly moves or copies as desired.
