I want to run Cypher queries on a scoped in-memory graph (akin a "view" in the RDBMS) that would have been extracted from the entire Neo4j graph.
It seems that this apoc
is creating the such in-memory graph [1].
CALL apoc.graph.fromCypher(
'MATCH (p:Person)-[r:DIRECTED]->(m:Movie) RETURN *',
{description: "Virtual Graph of all directorships"}
YIELD graph AS g
graph ?directors
graph stay available for various queries during a given user session ?[1] https://neo4j.com/docs/apoc/current/overview/apoc.graph/apoc.graph.fromCypher/
Virtual nodes/relationships are intended for visualization (e.g., the neo4j Browser can display them), and you cannot use them with most Cypher clauses.
In fact, the doc you mentioned even states:
This procedure returns virtual nodes and relationships that can only be accessed by other APOC procedures.
Also, virtual nodes/relationships do not persist between queries.