I have stumbled onto a problem I haven't been able to solve. I have a person in two different categories, and I need to count them as 0.5 in each category.
Here is the sample data:
Notice that ID Number 18 has a slash indicating that the two departments. I need the output to read as follows.
My first thought was to split the DEPT column, but I am not sure where to go from there since the two rows are identical. My code is as follows. Any suggestions?
Grad_Applied_Formatted1 <- Grad_AppAccMat %>%
separate_wider_delim(DEPT,"/", names= c("DEPT1","DEPT2"),
too_few = "align_start",cols_remove = F)
You can use tidyr::separate_longer_delim()
and then remove duplicated rows.
df <- data.frame(
ID = c(17, 18, 18),
DEPT = c("VZX", "EPI/ENH", "EPI/ENH"),
COUNT = c(1, 0.5, 0.5)
df %>%
tidyr::separate_longer_delim(DEPT, delim = '/') %>%
# 1 17 VZX 1.0
# 2 18 EPI 0.5
# 3 18 ENH 0.5