I'm trying to refactor a piece of code to use a monad.
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Order = LeftToRight | RightToLeft
deriving Show
ordering :: [String] -> Map String Order
ordering ls = Map.fromList pairs -- TODO: refactor to a monad
pairs = map parseOrder ls
parseOrder s =
case words s of
[v, o] -> (v, o')
o' = case o of
"l2r" -> LeftToRight
"r2l" -> RightToLeft
_ -> error $ "parse error in ordering:" ++ s
_ -> error $ "parse error in ordering: " ++ s
I am trying to wrap the errors inside of an ExceptT, but I can't figure out how to yank out the code from the where
clause into the right lifted format. Here is what I've tried:
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
die :: String -> ExceptT () IO a
die msg = liftIO $ Exit.die ("\ESC[31mERROR: \ESC[0m" ++ msg)
data Order = LeftToRight | RightToLeft
deriving Show
ordering' :: [String] -> ExceptT () IO (Map String Order)
ordering' ls = return (Map.fromList pairs)
pairs = map parseOrder ls
parseOrder s =
case words s of
[v, o] -> (v, o')
o' = case o of
"l2r" -> LeftToRight
"r2l" -> RightToLeft
_ -> die $ "parse error in ordering:" ++ s
_ -> die $ "parse error in ordering: " ++ s
main :: IO ()
main = do
let x = ["a l2r", "b r2l", "b c r2l"]
p <- runExceptT $ ordering' x
putStrLn (show p)
This gives the error
eg.hs:30:37: error: [GHC-83865]
• Couldn't match type ‘ExceptT () IO Order’ with ‘Order’
Expected: [(String, Order)]
Actual: [(String, ExceptT () IO Order)]
• In the first argument of ‘Map.fromList’, namely ‘pairs’
In the first argument of ‘return’, namely ‘(Map.fromList pairs)’
In the expression: return (Map.fromList pairs)
30 | ordering' ls = return (Map.fromList pairs)
| ^^^^^
What is going on here? Isn't it the case that return
wraps the Map String Order
in the monad of the correct type, or do I need to lift something?
If possible, I would prefer to keep a similar structure of the where
definitions, since this coding pattern is used many different places in the code base I'm working with.
This is essentially cafce25's solution. You need to "sequence" out both the list and the tuple. Since a tuple isn't Traversable
, you have to write your own function.
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
ordering' :: [String] -> ExceptT () IO (Map String Order)
ordering' ls = pairs >>= (\p -> return (Map.fromList p))
pairs = sequence $ map parseOrder ls
parseOrder s = do
case words s of
[v, o] -> ts2 (return v, o')
ts2 = uncurry $ liftM2 (,)
o' = case o of
"l2r" -> return LeftToRight
"r2l" -> return RightToLeft
_ -> die $ "parse error in ordering:" ++ s
_ -> die $ "parse error in ordering: " ++ s