Hi I have a Grafana Dashboard that I want to use to display the failed logs sent to Loki. The logs look something like this enter image description here
I have edited the query to show the sum of the number of error logs given on the interval and I have made a query like below
sum by (endpoint) (count_over_time({application="api-monitor"} |~ "status.*fail" [$__interval]))
I get a whole timeline even for the ones outside of the set intervals, when what I want is a single number that shows the total number of errors.
It would be deeply appreciated if you could tell me what is wrong and how I could fix my query to get the desired result.
Thank you in advance
To get a single number showing the total errors within a specific time range, rather than a timeline, you can tweak your query a bit. Instead of using intervals, try to specify a fixed time range, like the last hour, day or week.
Here’s what I mean:
sum(count_over_time({application="api-monitor"} |~ "status.*fail" [1h]))
Here for instance, [1h]
is the time range, so it counts all errors over the past hour.