
Search a JSON with multiple array elements for specific attribute and get another attribute value

I am using SQL Server 2019 and need to search for arrays in JSON that contains specific attribute. And get the latest value of another attribute. My JSON looks like this:


I need to search for arrays that contain attribute User. In my sample those are arrays with an Id 2 and 4. And I need to get the value of an attribute Result for Id 4, because it has latest CreateTime. So query must return ddd

I tried to write a query with JSON_QUERY() with no success. I would really appreciate some help or tips to solve my issue.


  • The actual statement depends on the JSON structure. In this situation a possible approach is to parse the JSON content with OPENJSON() and the appropriate schema, transform it into a table and get the expected result:


    DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{


    SELECT TOP 1 [Result]
    FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.Comment') WITH (
       [User] nvarchar(10) '$.User',
       [Result] nvarchar(10) '$.Result',
       [CreateTime] varchar(10) '$.CreateTime'
    ORDER BY TRY_CONVERT(date, [CreateTime]) DESC

    Also note, that the $.Comment part of the stored JSON is an array, containing JSON objects, not JSON arrays.